What are storytelling sessions?
Storytelling sessions are genuine moments between you and your partner! I will help guide you & prompt you & direct you, but my goal is to get those in-between moments and focus on the small important things that make you special as a couple!
My goal is to make you guys feel comfortable. I know sometimes being in front of the camera can be awkward and strange, and you might feel like you're in a weird position, but trust me and my knowledge for posing. The end goal of it will be worth it. Just get comfy and pretend like I'm not even there. Snuggle up as if you're on the couch at home, dance like nobody is watching, kiss with passion, and be your goofy selves.
RELAX- Take a deep breathe and relax. Don't look at the camera unless I tell you to! Instead, focus on each other. You will find that I am a very calm, carefree, and go with the flow individual. My hope is that some of that rubs off on you during your session and you leave knowing you will have beautiful photos and a great experience
CONNECT- Be sure that you're always touching each other. Whether it's a hug or snuggle, or just a tender hand on the shoulder. Make contact with your partner. This shows connections and love. If you are talking, just be sure to smile at the person you are talking to.
TRUST ME- If I ask you to do something and it feels weird, trust the process.
HAVE A PEP TALK W/PARTNER- Chat with your partner and let them know how the session is going to run so they aren't confused during it! I will remind you guys too!

Just enjoy being with each-other and let your love shine. Some day you will be sifting through photos of you and your partner to share with you future generations and these will be the photos that will make you tear up a little because all the emotions and love will radiate through them. These are the photos your grandbabies will proudly display on their walls.

What should we be doing to get ready?

CLOTHING- If you are a stickler for wrinkles, then steam/iron clothing. Then, put outfits on hangers grouping them by outfits with accessories. Example: your dress and cardigan go on one hanger, drape socks over hanger, put rings, etc. in a zip lock and attach it to hanger, then hang it up with the shoes next to it. If you are borrowing from the client closet, I'll have your items all ready to go when we meet up.
PACK- Water, bug spray for spring/summer, extra lipstick/gloss to re-apply, or anything else you feel you may need. It's also a great idea to pack extra clothes to change into after the session if you check yes to getting messy or wet on the questionnaire. To save time, put the bag in your car the night before. also, towels if we will be shooting near water.
NAILS- Trim fingernails and fix chipped polish. This is also a great excuse to have a spa night and treat yourself to some movies, popcorn, hot chocolate, nail painting, and face masks if that's your thing.
DIRECTIONS- Make sure you look up the location on your phone and check to see how long it takes to get to the location from your home and take traffic into consideration
REST- Spend your day relaxing, resting, and chilling. Make sure you have gotten a full night sleep.
GET READY- Start getting ready a few hours before the session. Allow yourself plenty of time so you don't feel rushed.
BRUSH AND FLOSS- Make sure there isn't any lingering food or plaque in the teeth.
ARRIVE- Please try to arrive o time. We want to get as much out of the sun before it goes down as we can. Of course I completely understand that things happen and you may run late, but that will cut into session time and lighting.